Sandbox is a platform dedicated to create a testing ground environment for artistic play and experimentation. It embodies the spirit of exploration, failing, learning and trying again. Artistic play and experimentation are essential to growing a healthy arts ecosystem. Featured artistic projects include exhibitions, lab work and jamming sessions and are often self-organised and collaborative.
If you like to be part of Sandbox, please write to us at: outreach@substation.org
Upcoming Programmes
Past Programmes
The HK-SG Digital Travel Bubble is an ekphrastic series which pairs together 16 poets for a digital poetry experience that will transport readers between the twinned cities. This online exhibition is co-presented by Sing Lit Station and The Substation.
Through the mediums of live art installation, performance, movement and multi-media projection, two disabled artists from Access Path creatively respond to the poems created by migrant poets Hossain Rajib and Reema. The performance explores the lived experiences of those among us who live on the fringe. We ask questions about the truth of beauty which lies beneath the surface, and states of being equal in relation to living conditions and social positions.
Seven artists from diverse cultural backgrounds take part in ‘Hereafter’, an exhibition which explores perspectives towards death and the afterlife to understand how age-old wisdoms and diverse traditional cultures can help us navigate our current way of life.
while we wait is a solo presentation by Cynthia Delaney Suwito. Orientating around the physical space of a train cabin, Cynthia is interested in making physical the worlds in which people commute, whilst waiting for their destinations.
An exhibition by Joo Choon Lin, Jaxton Su, and Sebastian Mary Tay investigating our experience and perception of the realities moving within and around us. Curated by Magdalen Chua.
Exploring novel ways to use and abuse electronic circuits and smart home devices, Echo is a series of artistic experiments where familiar objects and things found in the home are transformed into strange and exciting sculptures and aesthetic experiences.
The family is our first introduction to the world at large. Just as the world is a complicated place, family relationships are often not so straightforward and not always happy either. The artworks in this exhibition investigate the day-to-day arrangements, troubling emotions, and possible configurations of what “family” is.
We proudly present Sea Currents x Synchronicities (ScxS) a small arts festival taking place in Perth and Singapore over the 18-30th September 2020, in which The Lobby (WA) and The Substation (Singapore) showcase works by Jen Datu (WA) and Akai Chew (Singapore).