FaceLift activates The Substation's facade as a constantly evolving canvas. In this city of constant renewal, self-improvement, and urban redevelopment, imperfection is often glossed over or polished till unrecognisable. This year, rather than scraping away the old to make way for the new, traces of the building's past marks remain and reverberate as interventions to conversations in the now.   

All Good

Hello Pigu
All Good is a spanking new mural depicting a utopian garden paradise. In utter disregard for propriety in a public garden, and ignoring their impending doom, the PiguBao bask in their very own version of Shangri-La. The work is a reference to our obsession for a clean and green city, and the activities we engage in to display everyday normalcy.  

Sing Along If You Know The Words 

Speak Cryptic
SING ALONG IF YOU KNOW THE WORDS” is inspired by the artist's memory of the Substation and how it was (and still is) a place for people who are fans of alternative music to meet, talk, catch up and have fun - a safe place where everyone can be themselves and not have to worry about judgement or ridicule. The mural is also based on the mosh pit, defines as “an area in front of the stage at a rock concert, where moshing occurs